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How To Pick The Right Colour For Your Brand

The right colour can transform a brand and make it stand out in the world of business. But choosing the right colour for your brand can be difficult, especially when there are so many colours to choose from. In this article, we’re going to talk about how you can use colour effectively as part of your branding strategy by asking yourself these questions:

What’s your brand personality?

What’s your brand personality?

Brand personality is the set of characteristics that make a brand unique. It describes how consumers perceive a brand, and it’s shaped by everything from the products or services it offers to its marketing messages and visuals.

Brand personality is about how you make people feel when they interact with your brand; it’s also about how you communicate as a business, and even how you behave as an organisation.

What colours are your competitors using?

What colours are your competitors using?

If you’re not sure which colour scheme is best for your brand, it’s important to consider the colours that your competitors are using.

Using an online colour scheme tool is a great way to do this. You can upload images of your competitors’ websites and see what colours they use and how those colours are used (for example, as accents or backgrounds). It’s also helpful to look at other brands in similar industries; for example, if you’re starting an ecommerce business selling women’s clothing, you might want want to check out other ecommerce sites that sell women’s clothing – what do their websites look like? How do they use colours? What kinds of images do they show on their site?

Once you’ve got some ideas about what types of brands might be using similar types of colour schemes and imagery (and therefore who your target audience might be), it will be easier for you create a successful brand identity that resonates with them

Which colours resonate with my target audience?

Which colours resonate with my target audience?

Once you have a good idea of your brand’s personality, it’s time to dig deeper into the psyche of your audience.

Your audience research will help you determine what colours resonate with them and which ones don’t. Are they attracted to bright colours? Do they prefer muted tones? Do they see some colours as masculine, or others as feminine? You can use this information to select the best colour palette for your brand.

You should never just choose colours that you like; instead, make sure that the company uses colors that will appeal most strongly with its target market. It’s also important not to use too many different shades; while some brands might benefit from having a wide variety of hues in their brand palette, most won’t need more than two or three basic colours at most (and possibly only one).

This is because colour associations are so powerful—and often unconscious—that people tend not even notice them unless there’s something odd about how those associations work out visually: like… using a brownish blue instead of navy blue for “blue” items because it doesn’t meet expectations set by other companies who make similar products (e.g., if everyone else uses navy blue then yours needs something different). It might seem silly but these things matter!

The best brands use colour to support their messaging and deliver a clear, consistent message across all touchpoints.

The best brands use colour to support their messaging and deliver a clear, consistent message across all touchpoints.

Colour is a powerful tool for brands and the right colour scheme can help you communicate your message, values and personality. Colour can also help you communicate key messages about your target audience, product and more.

When choosing a brand colour scheme, it’s important to consider what you want to achieve with your brand identity. You need to get clear on who you are as a business or organization before deciding on colours that will represent that.


The right colour palette can be a powerful tool for your brand, helping you communicate your message more effectively and stand out from the competition. You don’t need to be an expert in colour theory or branding to make good decisions about your colour scheme—simply follow these steps and let your creativity guide you!

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