You are currently viewing 8 Signs It’s Time To Update Your Brand/Business Logo
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8 Signs It’s Time To Update Your Brand/Business Logo

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” they say. And while that’s a handy piece of advice for many things in life, it’s downright dangerous when applied to branding and logos.

You see, brands are living entities. They grow and change over time as businesses do—and sometimes they evolve more quickly than we can keep up with if we’re not paying attention! If you’ve been using the same logo for years without changing it even slightly, then chances are good that your brand could use an update right now. Here are some signs that might indicate it’s time to redesign:

1. You have a new idea/goal for your business

You have a new idea/goal for your business

If you’ve had an idea or goal for your business that has been long since dormant, it’s time to resurrect it. You have an opportunity to expand your brand and reach a new audience with a fresh look and feel.

Your logo should reflect what is important to you as an individual or business owner: the values that are most important in your life and work; who you are as a person; what makes up your personality; how those things interact with each other (and why); etc. The logo should express all of these things while still remaining true to its heritage—that means keeping some elements while adding others as needed.

2. Your old logo feels totally outdated

If your brand/business logo is more than 5 years old, it may be time to update it.

If your brand/business logo is more than 6 months old and you’re still using the same one, consider updating it!

3. Your old logo is too busy or complicated

A logo is the visual representation of your brand. It’s the first thing that people see when they look at your business. That means you want to make sure it’s easy to understand and memorable enough so people remember it!

A good logo should be simple, clean and clear—like an image in a painting or drawing where each part has its own purpose but also works together harmoniously as one whole piece. Your logo should also be unique enough so that no two logos are alike (unless they’re both made by yourself).

4. Your brand looks stuck in the past

If you’re stuck in the past, it’s time to update.

Your brand is one of the most important aspects of your business. It’s what people see when they walk into your store or visit your website and decide whether they want to do business with you. It should reflect who you are and what makes your company unique—not just according to color and font choices (though those can be helpful) but also by communicating what kind of person this is: friendly? Casual? Professional? Unconventional? Uniquely different from others in its industry? And so on.

A logo helps give people a better idea about how their experience will go when they interact with your brand—and thus whether or not there’s room for them as customers down the line! If someone sees something that doesn’t quite fit into any category yet feels compelled enough by curiosity alone… well then maybe there’ll be some fun times ahead! But don’t worry too much if things turn out differently than expected; sometimes surprises happen anyway because life just doesn’t work like planned–that’s why we call it living anyway 🙂

5. Your audience has changed

New customers note on notepaper with dart arrow and dart board. Marketing, advertisement, business concept.

If you’re trying to attract a new audience, it may be time to update your brand.

If you are trying to attract a new audience, it may be time to change your logo.

If you are trying to attract a new audience with marketing materials that don’t fit their needs (or just don’t appeal), then maybe it’s time for an overhaul of everything—including the way we think about our businesses and ourselves as marketers!

6. You’re becoming more focused and refined

You’re becoming more focused and refined

You’re becoming more focused and refined

The best way to know if your logo is outdated is if you can’t tell what it was originally intended for. You might have started with a more general purpose, but now you are more focused. Or maybe you were trying to reach a broader audience and now have narrowed your focus down into a specific niche market. Either way, this means that the needs of your brand have evolved over time—and so should its visual representation!

7. Your logo is no longer differentiating you from your competitors

Your logo is no longer differentiating you from your competitors

The first and most important thing you need to know is that your logo should be different from your competitors’ logos. You can’t just slap a picture of a bowl of cereal on your packaging, or even worse, try to imitate their style and color palette. If you’re already doing this, it’s time for an overhaul—and if it’s going so well with these other companies, why shouldn’t it work for you?

Next up: Your brand needs an easy-to-recognize symbol or icon that represents its core values and principles—not just any old piece of art! This means no text or numbers; they’ll only confuse people who don’t know what they mean (or worse: get lost in translation). But don’t worry—there are plenty of ideas out there for simple logos that still stand out against everything else out there (and no one will ever mistake them for something else).

8. If you’ve outgrown your current logo, it may be time to redesign.

8. If you’ve outgrown your current logo, it may be time to redesign.

It’s possible that your business has outgrown its original branding and needs to be refreshed or replaced entirely. In this case, you’ll want to start by considering what type of logo would suit your new brand identity best—and whether or not it’s worth updating.

If a new design feels right for the company as well as clients, then go ahead and make the changes! But if there are any doubts about whether changing will actually help improve sales or services offered by your company (or even just increase profits), keep working with whatever logo was originally chosen until such time as they’re ready for retirement—or at least retirement from everyday use on social media profiles like Facebook or Instagram accounts where everyone can see them all day long every day…


If you’re feeling stuck, it might be time to look at your brand and see if it still feels like an accurate representation of your business. If so, great! But if not, then there’s no better time than now to revamp your logo and bring it up-to-date with where you are right now. The key is to take some time to think about what kind of messaging you want people seeing when they look at this new design—and make sure it reflects who you are today!

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