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7 Signs You Should Quit Your Job And Become A "Full Time Rockstar"

7 Signs You Should Quit Your Job And Become A “Full Time Rockstar”

If you’re stuck in a dead-end job, there’s a good chance that you’re not feeling inspired anymore. Maybe it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and take the road less traveled by taking on a new career as a “full time rockstar.” This article will help guide you through some of the major signs that it may be time for change in your life.

1. You are stifled in your creativity and you feel like you are wasting your talents.

You are stifled in your creativity and you feel like you are wasting your talents.
  • You are stifled in your creativity and you feel like you are wasting your talents.
  • You have a strong desire to leave behind the office desk, get away from the computer screen and start focusing on what matters most: building something that matters to other people (and maybe even yourself).

2. Your boss or your immediate supervisor is the personification of evil

Your boss or your immediate supervisor is the personification of evil

You are a rockstar. You’re the best at what you do, and it shows in everything from your work ethic to how much time you spend with friends and family. But just like any other job, there are downsides to being a rockstar: bosses can be evil (or incompetent), mean or stupid—in fact, they could be all three!

If your boss is truly evil or incompetent then quit now before they get even worse; but if they have any redeeming qualities at all (and most do) then maybe staying on is worth it…

3. You don’t thrive on routine, but you do thrive on creative freedom and self-expression.

You don’t thrive on routine, but you do thrive on creative freedom and self-expression

You know the feeling: “I love my job, but I just wish I could do something more creative.” Your dream is to make your own decisions, be creative and have fun every day. But being a rockstar means being able to work remotely or even work only part time—and that’s not what most jobs allow!

The truth is that some people love their jobs because they’re doing something they enjoy; others hate their jobs because the business aspect of them makes them feel like a cog in an assembly line with no room for creativity or self-expression (or both). If this describes you, then stop reading this post right now because there’s no hope for us yet—but if it doesn’t describe you at all…then keep reading!

4. You have a passion or a hobby that you would love to make money at, or even make a living out of doing it full time and turning it into a business.

You have a passion or a hobby that you would love to make money at, or even make a living out of doing it full time and turning it into a business.

One of the most common reasons people don’t pursue their passions is because they think it’s too hard. They feel like they can’t make money doing what they love, so they settle for less.

But there’s a big difference between trying to make a living out of something you love and actually making it happen: If you’re passionate about something, then your passion will drive you to work harder than anyone else in the world. And if this happens enough times—and with enough success—you’ll never have to work full time at anything ever again!

5. You are not intimidated by the idea of starting from scratch, i.e., no salary and no guarantees.

You are not intimidated by the idea of starting from scratch, i.e., no salary and no guarantees.

If you’ve ever been in a job where you didn’t have to worry about your next paycheck or the health of your job security, then join us now! You should never be afraid that people won’t like what you make or that they won’t pay enough attention to your work (or even worse, an employer who doesn’t know how to listen). But don’t get too comfortable either; if things start feeling stale and unfulfilling, then it might be time for a change too—and there’s nothing wrong with starting fresh every once in awhile!

6. The life-long dream you’ve had since you were a kid has suddenly become more important than ever before, and it’s all consuming!

Elegant little thoughtful african-american boy with glasses in business suit. Studio shot. Young boy posing. Copyspace
  • Have a dream that you want to pursue and find it more important than ever before?
  • Have been thinking about your dream for a long time?
  • It’s all consuming! You can’t do anything else.

7. You don’t know what else to do!

You don’t know what else to do!

If you are unhappy in your job, you may be ready to take a risk.

If you feel like there’s nothing else that can satisfy your passion and drive, then maybe it’s time for a change.

If this is the case for you, look into other opportunities that align with what makes sense for your career goals.

If this sounds like you, listen to the muses that inspire you, follow your heart and go for it!

Don’t be afraid to take risks. Don’t let fear stop you from following your dreams. Don’t let others tell you what to do and don’t let them tell you what can’t be achieved either!


If you’ve made it this far, you have taken a giant step in the right direction! You know what it’s like to be a rockstar and now you can’t wait to get out there and do something about it. So what are you waiting for? Go get ’em tiger!

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